
Academics /


Harvest University is dedicated to the pursuit of truth, to excellence in teaching and learning, for the enriching of mind, heart and character, to serve the church and the world for the Kingdom of God.

Harvest University professors understand their academic work to be in the service of the church. Most faculty members have experienced ministry first-hand and all are currently engaged in the life of the church from the local to the national level. A diverse group, our resident faculty includes scholars of different traditions and philosophies; their classes blend practical discussions of pastoral work with deep theological insight.

School Focus

Harvest University is designed to enable men and women to use various skills to reach the ‘network generation’ for Jesus Christ through vocational ministry, and to enable students to achieve a Biblical worldview.

Harvest University offers a wide range of programs at the undergraduate, seminary & graduate levels. Our students come from a wide range of age groups, geographical areas, educational backgrounds, and cultural heritages, creating a rich and challenging educational environment. Community and camaraderie are among the fringe benefits of the instructional programs at Harvest University. Living, working, and worshiping together, students and faculty develop friendships and professional relationships that last a lifetime.

Harvest University’s Core Learning Outcomes

Harvest University’s learning outcomes are expected for every graduate regardless of program area. They describe core skills and abilities our graduates need to succeed in the professional world, and in a world that demands continuous learning—skills like critical thinking, problem solving, writing, speaking, and the ability to do information research and use technology.

Harvest’s curriculums are intentionally developed to foster achievement of these outcomes in all of our students. Each program at Harvest, including Harvest’s graduate and doctoral programs, describe what graduates of their particular programs or program areas will be able to do as a result of learning experiences within their programs. They intentionally flow, and often overlap with core (university-wide) outcomes to some extent. When that is the case, program-specific outcomes typically require the student to demonstrate higher levels of competency in a particular outcome, or performance of the outcome in a context unique to that discipline. The following is a description of Harvest’s core learning outcomes expected of every Harvest graduate regardless of program area.

Academic Standards

Grading Policies

Grades shall be assigned to individual students on the basis of the instructor’s judgment of the student’s scholastic achievement using the grading system.

Grade Appeal

The normal appeal procedure begins with a consultation with the professor concerned. The following are the steps to filing a grade appeal:

1. Prior to the end of the quarter following the course in which the contested grade is issued, the student will request that the faculty member reconsider the grade that was awarded.

2. If dissatisfied with outcome of faculty decision, within 10 days of the faculty member’s decision, the student may appeal in writing to the Division Chair.

3. Within 10 days of the College Dean or Director’s decision, the student may submit a written appeal to the Academic Dean.

4. The student is responsible to monitor email daily throughout the appeals process.

5.Class Work

All class work is due on the date set by the professor. No assignments will be accepted that are more than two weeks overdue, and grades on late work will be reduced for each day overdue, except under exceptional circumstances approved by the professor. The grading should be completed within10 days after the submission.

Academic Good Standing

Undergraduate or graduate students are expected to maintain a grade point average (“GPA”) of at least 2.0 or 3.0 on a 4.0 scale to remain in Academic Good Standing.

Academic Disciplinary Status Overview

HU maintains academic disciplinary policies to encourage students to make the necessary academic and life changes to succeed.

Students who fail to meet the minimum expectations of Academic Good Standing must meet more stringent standards and regularly consult with academic advisors.

Course Information

Fulltime Enrollment 

Fall, Winter and Spring quarters only.

To be classified as fulltime, undergraduate students must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 quarter hours, while graduate students must take a minimum of 8 quarter hours. Special permission must be granted to enroll in more than 16 hours for undergraduate students and 12 hours for graduate students per quarter. Such permission must be approved by the Academic Dean before registration.

Quarter System

Courses of study at Harvest University are offered, and credit for satisfactory completion is granted, on a quarter basis.

The school year at Harvest University is divided into three regular quarters –fall, winter, and spring. With the exception of the summer quarter, which has 42 days of instruction, each quarter includes 10 weeks of instruction (not including final exams).

The basic unit for credit earned is the quarter hour, representing one hour of class per week for 10 weeks.

Class Schedules

Schedules listing classes offered each quarter are available on the university’s course management system Populi.

Class Attendance

Students are expected to be punctual and regular in class attendance and to accept responsibility for all assigned work. Any student who has been absent for as many as one-third of the total class sessions for a course will have failed and will be suspended from the
course. Within this framework, each instructor may set his/her own class attendance policy, and will inform students of this  policy at the beginning of the term.

The Center for Information Technology emphasizes two strategic initiatives in its program, which complement and often overlap one another: support for training and leadership development and support for linkages and networks among Christian organizations and Biblical higher education institutions.