Academics / Graduate Degree Programs

Graduate Degree Programs

Harvest University offers first professional degrees and advanced graduate degrees that provide students with the opportunity to continue their education beyond the undergraduate level in order to understand and expand their qualifications for the theological studies. 

First Professional Degrees

The Master of Divinity is a 4-year degree program with various concentration tracks preparing its graduates for ministry in a wide range of contexts while qualifying them for pastoral ordination examination. Due to the length of the program it qualifies the graduate to enroll in shortened professional doctoral programs such as Harvest’s 45-units Doctor of Ministry Program.

Advanced Graduate Degree Programs

Graduates of graduate programs in theology or divinity can apply for Master of Theology degree program. Choosing a specialization among biblical studies, theology, church history, or ministry candidates for the Th.M. prepare for research doctorates or often entry level seminary teaching positions. The program can be completed in 18 to 24 months of advanced study and requires the production and defense of a thesis paper

Master of Divinity Program

Harvest University’s Master of Divinity program is tailored to nurture missionaries, evangelists, and pastors to make an impact on the mission field. This three-year graduate program is rooted in profound studies of Scripture and sound theological training, empowering students to face challenges in this postmodern era. Academics is integrated with practical ministry internships to train “fishers of men” in a global context. Our program combines traditional elements of a M.Div. program in the areas of biblical, historical, systematic, and practical theology, and requires students to choose one of four specialty tracks Missionary Track; Prayer & Spirituality Track; Pastoral and Christian Education Track; Business as Mission Track) and engage in a spectrum of practical ministries according to their spiritual gifts. 

Master of Divinity Program Goals 

In the context of Harvest’s mission, completion of the Master of Divinity program will enable students to: 

1. Cultivate a close relationship with God through Jesus Christ. 

2. Develop a historical and theological foundation for a life-long mission.  

3. Develop an understanding of worldviews and how they compare to a biblical worldview.   

4. Reflect critically on contemporary moral and social issues upon scriptural and theological principles. 

5. Develop ministry competencies in a global context


Harvest University的道学硕士课程是为了培养能够在传教工场产生影响力的宣教士、传道人和牧师而量身定做的。这个三年制硕士课程基于深入的圣经研究和完备的神学训练,帮助学生面对后现代时期的挑战。结合学术与事工实践以训练具全球视野的“得人渔夫”。 本课程包含传统道学硕士课程在圣经神学、历史神学、系统神学和实践神学领域的学习,同时要求学生四个事工领域中选择一个,包括:宣教事工;祷告和辅导事工;教牧和基督徒教育事工;营商事工。学生可以根据自己的属灵恩赐参与相应事工的服侍之中。 








Master of Theology Program

The Master of Theology (Th.M.) is an extension program of the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program, designed to equip the students with scholarly competency and professional teaching skills in one field of biblical, historical, or theological studies. This degree requires a minimum of eighteen (18) months of full-time study, or may be completed over a longer period, up to a maximum of three (3) years without special permission from the director.

Additional admission requirements apply according to the chosen field of study: Biblical Studies: Old Testament: pass Biblical Hebrew Language Advanced Proficiency Test New Testament: pass Biblical Greek Language Advanced Proficiency Test Practical Theology: Preaching: proof of extensive preaching experience OR pass Comprehensive Preaching Examination Pastoral Care: provide additional reference Education: provide additional reference