Christianity in America is seeing a rapid decline according to a Pew Research Center telephone survey conducted in 2018 and 2019, where 65 percent of American adults describe themselves as Christians when asked about their religion, down over 12 percent over the past decade.
Meanwhile, Christianity is booming in the global south and in East Asia, and some are growing rapidly despite the constant persecution from authorities and other religious groups. However, they are lacking the resources and knowledge to live out a Christian life and be an effective witnesses.
How can the believers driven by this faith help with this problem? How can the word of God be preached to the ends of the earth in this 21st century? How can believers be awaken to understand the times and the urgency of the Great Commission?
Many believers today are unaware of the current cultural and religious trends, nor do they take their responsibilities of bearing witness for the Lord seriously. How about you? Are you aware of the eternity at stake?