As Christian musicians and worship leaders we can make this happen. Let’s find those songs that remind us of God’s faithfulness and share them with our family
Always Singing: Songs about Faith in God Needed Now!

As Christian musicians and worship leaders we can make this happen. Let’s find those songs that remind us of God’s faithfulness and share them with our family
Demonstrating professionalism in speech and conduct at the workplace is essential for building successful working relationships with co-workers.
We work in Christlike unity with churches and missionary organizations, we gather today’s disciples of Christ
Christianity in America is seeing a rapid decline according to a Pew Research Center telephone survey conducted in 2018 and 2019, where 65 percent of American adults describe themselves as Christians when asked about their religion, down over 12 percent over the past decade.
Meanwhile, Christianity is booming in the global south and in East Asia, and some are growing rapidly despite the constant persecution from authorities and other religious groups. However, they are lacking the resources and knowledge to live out a Christian life and be an effective witnesses.
How can the believers driven by this faith help with this problem? How can the word of God be preached to the ends of the earth in this 21st century? How can believers be awaken to understand the times and the urgency of the Great Commission?
Many believers today are unaware of the current cultural and religious trends, nor do they take their responsibilities of bearing witness for the Lord seriously. How about you? Are you aware of the eternity at stake?
Christianity is continuing to be on a rapidly decline in the western countries. While Christianity in the global south and in countries like China are booming, they lack access to quality resources and training, and face daily persecutions and restrictions that those in the West cannot understand.
Believers must wake up to this reality and address this challenge in global missions strategically and boldly.
With the believers growing rapidly in numbers in the global south and far east, churches, ministries, education institutions must wake up and see the giant needs of their brothers and sisters in Christ, and take actions to provide resources and training.
Do you have the desire for the truth? Will you be the light of the world and salt of the earth to influence those who are asleep and separated from God?
But first, you must be equipped to the knowledge of the truth of God’s Word, so you can defend your faith, but also persuasively argue for the truth.
Harvest University is established for the purpose of equipping the believers in East Asia and the global south. With the name Harvest, we see the parable that Jesus said on “the Harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” We desire to be the training ground, platform and resource for this exact purpose.
By partnering with affiliate ministries, fellowships, churches, and online evangelism, Harvest University seeks to provide prospective students with in-depth knowledge of the Holy Scripture, and equip them with practical trainings and latest research about the mission field.
Harvest University is the platform for believers from abroad and domestically to be transformed through first and foremost the teachings of the Christian orthodox doctrines and then knowledge on the practical applications of their faith in their ministries, careers, and daily lives.
Has God call you to ministry? Are you ready to follow the Lord and be discipled by Him through his Holy Bible?
Read on.
We believe that every person is endowed by His creator with talents and abilities to be uncovered and to be used for God’s glory. Harvest University interviews and counsels each prospective students in order to help him undercover their talents, abilities and passions, and the matching course majors and curriculums that would enable them to make the most impact for Christ while enjoying their work.
Through a hybrid of onsite and online trainings, Harvest University will be providing Christian education program for students of undergraduate, graduate, and adult learnings. The school will offer exceptional facility and learning experience to foster an ideal environment for learning, studying, and building communities.
The purpose of the school is to train up believers to be the beacon of hope and role models in this generation, teaching them the way to make the maximum impact for the Lord.
Harvest University offers strong networking and career choice opportunities in Christian ministries and many professions.
Harvest University is where your life will be changed forever.
In preparation for the incoming student bodies internationally and domestically, the evangelical education institution is actively making plans to create a welcoming environment designed to foster creativity, innovation, passion, and efficiency.
Among the plans, the University leadership is making plans for renovation and development of the 150,000 square feet facility in Fort Morgan, Colorado. Some of those plans include converting the third floor of the building from classrooms into multi-family apartment for dormitory uses, installing fire suppression system, setting up café bars in the lounges, updates the cafeteria for dining, beautifying the landscaping surrounding the building, and more.
The leadership of the university believes that the environment in which a person studies or works in influences his creativity and emotional mood, and hence places much emphasis on renovations and development that will be implemented in phases according to order of priorities.
A healthy learning, study, and workplace environment is ideal when it comes to maintaining a positive outcome in a stressful atmosphere. One of the most important thing that influences student, faculty, and staff motivation and happiness, and how productive and efficient they can be, all goes down to their working environment.
“As we plan and design the environment, we will be considering each area and what activities would take place there,” said a member of the executive team, noting the way how one’s surrounding changes the way one feel. “We want to create areas where the students, faculties, and staff could choose to study and work where they feel most comfortable.”
Today’s leaders in the business and technology space knows that when you focus on the user, the rest will follow. By making the user happy it will create a products and platform that is the best of its abilities and keeps the users satisfied. In the same vein, Harvest University wishes to create an environment where its people will be able to produce their best works for the glory of God, the ultimate creator.